Judge warns brother of Norwich murder suspect to stay away from victim’s mother, court advocates
Claims of intimidation and harassment led New London Superior Court Judge John Newson on Thursday to issue a warning to the younger brother of the man charged in a Norwich murder.
Newson ordered Vullnetar Balidemaj to stay 100 yards away from both the court’s victim services advocates and the mother of Jashira Pagan, the 30-year-old Norwich woman shot and killed on Nov. 5, 2022.
Vullnetar Balidemaj’s brother, Atlantikh Balidemaj, is charged with murder in Pagan’s death. The judge’s order applies inside and outside of the courthouse, court records show.
Vullnetar Balidemaj and members of his family are often present in New London Superior Court during appearances by Atlantikh Balidemaj and filled one side of the courtroom during a probable cause hearing last week involving the pending murder case.
An affidavit submitted to the court on behalf of victim services advocates claims Vullnetar Balidemaj has gone out of his way to try and intimidate members of the victim’s family, court records show. Vullnetar Balidemaj, 22, is 6-foot, 8-inches tall and weighs 250 pounds, records show.
Victim advocates cite five alleged incidents involving Vullnetar Balidemaj while in New London Superior Court last week such as blocking doorways, “staring down the victim’s family,” “holding the courtroom doors open so the victim’s family must walk past them,” or in one case flipping his middle finger up at the stepfather of the murder victim, court records show.
One of the court’s victim advocates reported that she was at a restaurant in North Stonington on June 17 where Vullnetar Balidemaj, who was also at the restaurant, noticed her, stared at her for five minutes and followed her and her husband outside, watching them leave while smoking a cigarette.
The Office of Victim Services employs court-based advocates who work with families of violent crimes and are often present in the courtroom explaining the criminal justice process as cases proceed.
Vullnetar Balidemaj is charged in a criminal case unrelated to his brother. On Nov. 1, 2022, he was arrested by Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Police on weapons charges. Following a reported threatening incident in the Foxwoods casino parking garage, police said they found a Glock-style 9 mm handgun without identification marks, also known as a “ghost gun,” inside his vehicle. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of illegal possession of a weapon in a motor vehicle, carrying a pistol without a permit and illegal alteration of a firearm identification, all felonies.
Free on a $20,000 bond, Vullnetar Balidemaj is due back in court on July 16. His attorney, Michael Blanchard, was not immediately available for comment.
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