Groton Town Council approves budget with 4.2% increase
Groton ― The Town Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a 2023-24 budget of $148.9 million, an increase of just under $6 million or 4.2%, over the current budget.
The budget proposal will next head to the Representative Town Meeting, which is scheduled to hold its annual budget meeting at 7 p.m. Monday.
The council reduced Town Manager John Burt’s proposed budget by $412,040.
The budget proposal, as it currently stands, uses $4.5 million of the town’s unassigned fund balance to decrease the proposed increase in the tax rate. It would now increase about one mill from 21.28 mills to 22.2.
However, the Town Council won’t set the official unassigned fund balance use and tax rate until after the RTM finishes its work on the budget.
Property owners can determine their estimated new tax bill by taking the assessed value of their house, dividing it by 1,000 and then multiplying that number by the proposed tax rate. They can then compare that to their current tax bill.
During budget reviews, the Town Council reduced the spending on capital projects proposed in the town manager’s budget by $625,000. That includes removing $125,000 proposed for the Noank neighborhood park; $150,000 for the Town Hall complex; $125,000 for a police evidence/processing command vehicle; $50,000 for the economic assistance fund; $25,000 for open space acquisition; and $150,00 for downtown Mystic parking management, according to town documents.
The council added $212,960 to the initially proposed general fund budget. That includes $21,000 to buy 6 speed signs for public safety; $55,150 for an extra maintenance position for Parks and Recreation; an increase of $31,210 in the payment in lieu of taxes from the state for Poquonnock Bridge Fire District due to the high amount of non-taxable property within the district; $75,600 for a Human Resources position; and $30,000 for a part-time clerical position in the town manager’s department, which will likely be a remote position taking on tasks such as drafting minutes and other general clerical work, according to Burt.
Director of Human Resources/Risk Management Arnetia Green said that if the funding for the Human Resources position is fully approved, the position’s duties will be detailed when creating the job description. The employee will be involved in supporting the well-being and productivity of town employees,
The council on Tuesday set a tentative tax rate for next fiscal year for the Mumford Cove special taxing district at 0.28 mills, the same as the existing rate. The council also set a tentative tax rate for next year of 0.36 mills, a decrease of 0.1 mills, for the Groton Sewer District.
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