Waterford Green Party nominates candidates
Waterford — The town’s Green Party endorsed candidates last week for seats on the Board of Education, Board of Finance, Representative Town Meeting and two other boards at their caucus meeting last week, bringing several newcomers in town politics onto the ballot.
Waterford voters in November will decide who fills five open seats on the nine-member school board, three open seats on the seven-member Board of Finance, all 22 seats on the Representative Town Meeting, three full seats and two alternate seats on the five-member Zoning Board of Appeals and two open spots on the three-member Board of Assessment Appeals.
Four of the open school board slots are four-year terms, and the fifth is to fill a two-year slot that was filled by the Democratic Town Committee after Kevin Brunelle resigned from the board last year.
The town Green Party had met to nominate a slate of candidates at a caucus July 29.
Party members voted to endorse Deb Roselli Kelly for Board of Education, Andrew Frascarelli for Representative Town Meeting District 1, Darcy Van Ness for an alternate seat on the Zoning Board of Appeals and Mike Buscetto for the Board of Assessment Appeals.
The July 29 nominees join another group of Green Party candidates nominated at a June caucus: Kevin Kelly for Board of Finance, Billy Collins for Zoning Board of Appeals, Baird Welch-Collins for RTM District 2, Joshua Steele Kelly for RTM District 3 and Carl D’Amato for RTM District 4.
Party Co-chairman Joshua Steele Kelly said the nominations will make 2017 the first election year the Green Party will have representation on the ballot for all town boards with open seats.
The Green Party also cross-endorsed several Democratic candidates nominated at that party's caucus on July 26.
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