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    Police-Fire Reports
    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Armed man attempts to rob New London convenience store

    New London – A man armed with a semi-automatic handgun attempted to rob the Quick Mart convenience store at 61 Walden Ave. this morning, police said.

    The man entered the store just after 9 a.m., displayed the gun and demanded the clerk give him money, police said. The clerk activated a panic alarm, sending a 911 call to dispatchers. The suspect then ran out of the store, police said, where the clerk saw him meet another male standing in front of the store. Both fled on foot.

    Police said they searched the area but did not find either the suspect or his companion. The suspect is described as a black male, 15 to 18 years old, about 5-foot-9 with a slim build. He was wearing a black knit hat and a black hooded jacket. He had covered his nose and lower face,and displayed a "palm-sized" semi-automatic handgun, police said. The potential accomplice was described as a black male, 12 to 13 years old, about 4-foot-5, wearing a red knit hat.

    No one was injured in the incident, police said.

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