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    Saturday, June 01, 2024

    Don't allow rollback of successful program

    The fight is being won right now by the student denizens of New London. The pathways starting in grammar school have culminated in an 8th Grade class at Bennie Dover that is about to graduate students into the new Science and Technology Magnet High School as fully matriculating pathway students − next year.

    Those students have already passed above and beyond the bar set to give credit to the New London Ronzulie Academy as a "gifted" program for no other reason than the income of their families. Classicism lost this time.

    Ronzulie opponents have already lost. It is time to take the battle to them now. They are regrouping and will come back. Here is exactly when. Mark my words.

    When the first group of matriculated pathway students’ graduate from the new STEM high school and credit for that success can be given away to Big Government, you will see an attack on the unbelievable progress made at Bennie Dover for all future generations of poor New London student denizens.

    We must win the war before they regroup in anticipation of that final battle to keep the incredible success of the convergence of the pathways at Bennie Dover and the future ability to maintain that level of excellence into perpetuity.

    Darie McLaughlin

    New London