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    Monday, June 03, 2024

    Trump reminds us great potential for those who work hard

    I did not think I would say this, but I am happy Donald Trump won. His campaign rhetoric woke me up. It is now all about me!

    I am tired of hearing about, and being asked to sympathize with, those left behind (whoever identifies with that). There is much opportunity in America but you cannot sit on your butt and wait for someone to bring it to you. To get it requires hard sacrifice, moving away from your security, and might even require going into significant debt. I know because I did it.

    Over the past 36 years, I have worked continuously, even while in college, and paid much more than my fair share of taxes, as my earnings accelerated from advanced education. Never did I throw up my hands and blame others for a tough road in life, like I am hearing from many today. Life is not fair so, stop complaining and catch up to the 21st Century.

    Frankly, I am tired of dragging those left behind in America around on the coattails of my success. Find your own way! Thank you for opening my eyes, Donald Trump.

    Gene Griffin
