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Reset Password
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    Local News
    Wednesday, June 05, 2024

    How to reset your password for theday.com

    Step 1: Click on the "Login" link
    Step 2: Click on "Forgot your password?"
    Step 3: Enter the email address associated with your account and click "Submit."
    Step 4: Check your email inbox (you might want to check your spam folder too, just to be sure) for the reset email and click on "Reset your password."
    Step 5: You'll be prompted to enter a new password. Click "Submit.”
    Step 6: This is important: Now close that browser window. Open a new browser window and go to www.theday.com (do not use any old bookmark you might have to our site - it's important you start with a fresh browser window.) Return to Step 1 and click the log in button and log in with your new password.

    Some of you continue to have problems trying to log into theday.com since we made an update to our technology earlier in the week. Here are some instructions (and reference the images above) that should help you walk through the process.

    Step 1: Click on the "Login" link

    Step 2: Click on "Forgot your password?"

    Step 3: Enter the email address associated with your account and click "Submit"

    Step 4: Check your email inbox (you might want to check your spam folder too, just to be sure) for the reset email and click on "Reset your password."

    Step 5: You'll be prompted to enter a new password. Click "Submit”

    Step 6: This is important: Now close that browser window. Open a new browser window and go to www.theday.com (do not use any old bookmark you might have to our site - it's important you start with a fresh browser window.) You should now be able to log in with your email and new password.

    If you continue to have issues please contact a customer service representative at (860) 701-4400 or send an email to MemberServices@theday.com.

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