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    Local News
    Friday, September 20, 2024


    Montville High School has sent out surveys to high schoolers' parents to help determine the best way to communicate with families, said Principal Jeff Theodoss.Theodoss said the school governance council, which is composed of parents, teachers, administrators and students, put together the questionnaire and mailed it TO families along with self-addressed, stamped envelopes to make returning the survey simple.

    Previous parent surveys have not had a high return rate, said Theodoss, but the school hopes the response will be better this time. Montville High School may add an online version of the survey, he said, but he thinks parents will be more likely to respond when they get a piece of paper in the mail.

    There is plenty of information about MHS available to students' parents, said Theodoss, but families may not know where to find it.

    "We want them to be able to communicate with teachers," he said.

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