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    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Christmas list

    While many of them should probably be getting coal in their stockings this morning, in the spirit of the holiday we suggest some Christmas presents for the politically powerful (if often ineffective).

    For President Obama a genuine economic recovery, it will help his historical legacy and put a few bucks in our collective pockets as well.

    For Republican House Speaker John Boehner, a clue; because how do you pull out of the fiscal cliff talks with the president, bluster about passing your own "Plan B" nonsolution, and then not even have the votes in your own party to do it?

    For Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, an actual budget to pass - you can only run the country for so long on continuing resolutions, though Sen. Reid has managed to do it for four years; naughty, naughty.

    For Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, a year without natural disasters; in his first couple of years in office this governor has had to deal with Tropical Storm Irene, a freak October snowstorm, and Superstorm Sandy. It makes you wonder if at some point the governor tried to fool Santa's friend Mother Nature.

    For New London Mayor Daryl Justin Finizio a budget for next fiscal year that provides for all important city services, adequately funds public education after years of flat funding, and does not hit taxpayers with another sizeable tax increase. (Hey, they call Christmas the season of miracles!)

    For Norwich Mayor Peter Nystrom someone interested in taking advantage of the city's downtown development incentives; a more affordable proposal for building a new police station, and some activity at that $22 million regional transportation center, aka bus stop. (Yeah, we know it's a long list.)

    And for Preston First Selectman Robert Congdon, a developer for the former Norwich Hospital property; of course Mr. Congdon asks for that every Christmas. He's still waiting.

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