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    Day - Blogs
    Friday, September 20, 2024

    Dear Little Man

    **Due to crazy toddler partying and 2-year-old indulging, this post is a few days late. Just pretend it is Sunday, ok?**

    Dear Little Man,

    Happy Birthday! I cannot even believe that you are two years old! Everyone says this, but I don't know where the time has gone.

    From the moment I laid eyes on you, I have felt like the luckiest person in the world. And I still feel that way every single day when I look at you and see your smile and hear the words tumble out of your mouth. I thought that the "newness" of you would wear off, that at least once a day I wouldn't be struck by how cute you are, by how happy you make me, by how funny you are, by how you make me laugh. But everyday...you blow me away.

    You have taught my heart what it feels like to be overflowing with love. You have given my life more purpose than I every thought I would know. You, and now your sister, have made me feel complete.

    At two years old, you are a truly wonderful little boy. You are laid back, you are funny, you are happy. You blow me away with your vocabulary and you and I can have full conversations with each other and I think it is amazing. I love knowing what is going on in your head. I love standing outside of your door and listening to you talk to yourself, it always makes me smile.

    You are such a loving little boy and your kisses make my day. I think your outward displays of love and affection are a testament to how much we love you. You are already a wonderful big brother, constantly giving your sister kisses and talking to her. You have done an amazing job with the transition and seeing you already trying to take care of her makes my heart skip.

    Everyday brings something new with you--new words, new thoughts, new accomplishments. You are so proud of yourself whenever you are able to do something "all by self". It sounds strange, but all I can do is thank you for being mine. I thank you for choosing me, for choosing us. Your Daddy, sister and I couldn't be luckier to have you in our lives. I am torn, because while I would love to freeze time, I also cannot wait to see what your future holds. I am proud of you every single day.

    I love you, I love you, I love you,


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