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    Sunday, June 02, 2024

    "Walking Dead" recap: An eye for an eye ... and then some

    My dear Kathleen, 

    It is a sad day in "Walking Dead"-Land. When I fretted last week about losing someone we kind of like, I sincerely didn't think it would be Beth filling that role. 

    I'm not sure what's more depressing: Beth making such a strange decision to stab Dawn; Daryl's pained expression when Beth got shot; or Daryl's decision to execute Dawn in retaliation. And then there's Better Late Than Never Maggie, whose reaction to her sister's death was heart-breaking. Very sad, indeed.

    We knew Beth was darkening under Dawn's watch, but I did not forecast such vengeance at the bitter end. Maybe I'm naive? 




    Dear Marisa, 

    It is indeed a sad day. I was invested in Beth and then they snatched her away. And so brutally. Geez, they’re killing off all the young people? I wonder how long Carl and ?Baby Kickass have? Always sad when an episode ends with just a song. 

    Do you think Beth had given up? I do. She was such a sweet soul and the group sort of protected her. But to be tossed into the hospital filled with psychopaths … I think was too much for her. She had to have known there would be retaliation if she went for Dawn. Did Dawn have her gun out? I didn’t see that. At first I couldn’t figure out who shot Beth.

    So I think all the carnage is catching up everyone. They’ve been running and surviving and really have not had time to contemplate all the people they’ve lost. I think Carol was the first to really understand how dire things are, having to kill ??? (“Look at the flowers, Lizzie.”) And Rick is teetering on the edge of humanity. Couldn’t believe he ran down that cop with his car. And then shot him. And then said, “Shut up” after he killed him. Have to admit, I like Rick’s swagger. It’s kill or be killed. No more Mr. Nice Guy. 

    Now, the question is, what are they going to do? 

    Still in mourning,


    Mdme. K,

    I'm so bummed after last night that I'm currently bingeing "Gilmore Girls." I have the day off for working on Thanksgiving, and needed the lift. More than a few people have told me I need to watch "GG" (including at least two dudes), so I'm off to the races. 

    But I digress. Rick truly freaked me out with his behavior last night. That whole "He wouldn't stop" line was distressing. (As was Bob's panic as he writhed in pain on the pavement.) I didn't think one could hang on such a precarious edge for so long, but here we are. When Rick's group and Dawn's met up in that hospital hallway I was filled with dread and actually expected a higher body count. Still, Beth's murder is just as bad. (I didn't notice Dawn's gun at first either, but her expression upon shooting seemed to indicate the shot was unintentional.) 

    I sincerely don't know what they do now. The "next on" scenes made it look like the group was still running around in the woods, and we heard Michonne implore Rick to go somewhere "100 miles away." Gotta bust out a map, I suppose — D.C. is much further than that.

    Speaking of the D.C. crew, I never thought I'd be glad to see Abe roll up on that firetruck, but his timing was fabulous (if not overly convenient) when he crashed through the church porch steps to seal off the walkers. And still not at all clear on what Fr. Gabriel had to "see" and "know" back at the school. What?? That whole semi-plot strand was a bit random for last night's overall heavier fare. 

    And did you love Michonne doing battle with her sword with Baby Judith on her back? Badass. 




    Dear M, 

    Never watched “Gilmore Girls,” although my mother loved that show. She said it was nice and funny. So, good choice to decompress from the “WD.” 

    Yes, Rick is on the edge, but I don’t blame him. The group has got to find peace, somehow. I mean, can you imagine, being scared out of your wits 24/7 for the past 18 months? I think I’d be shooting anyone that looked at me sideways. 

    It’s strange too, that you called Beth’s death a “murder.” Is that the first time we’ve referred to someone’s death as a murder? There certainly have been a lot of deaths, including cold-blooded ones, but I don’t think we’ve ever said murder … Was that not a cold-blooded killing of Look at the Flowers Lizzie by Carol? And the decapitation of Beth’s farmer dad Hershel? And all that was going on at Terminus? ALL MURDER. 

    It looks like they’re back in the woods. I don’t know what is next. I think we need time to mourn Beth. 

    But about that fire truck brigade? Showing up to block the church door. Please. And no one heard them coming? Do know how loud firetrucks are, even without the sirens? Those are big diesel engines. And it must have been crashing through trees to get the right position. A little too convenient for me.

    And whatever the story is with Pastor Gabriel, they better get to it first episode of the second half of the final season. I mean really. What is up with him? He had to go check what exactly at the school? And was that Bob’s leg? How do we know that? 

    And Michonne fighting with little Judith strapped to her back. Obviously no one has actually carried a child on their back, because there is no way you would be doing all that swinging and chopping. That kid would be flopping all over the place and would probably have whiplash! 

    Ok, back to mourning.



    Ms. K, 

    It’s extra scary when the words “ALL MURDER” appear in a letter all in caps — particularly from otherwise-light-hearted you. You need “Gilmore Girls” stat! 

    Anyway, pretty sure that was Bob's leg on the makeshift BBQ. I had to look away during that scene. There's only so long I can take in a view of a cross-section of a human leg. 

    And you're totally right about everyone's nerves being shot this far into the post-apocalyptic world. They need a new home base. All this wandering is too dangerous. Of course, any home base they've ever found has gotten destroyed by walkers, death and other destruction, so who knows what the answer is. Perhaps they could go back to the bookstore and find some materials on nomadic tribes and learn how THEY stay safe. 

    Dunno, but if they do start trekking again, I sincerely hope it's somewhere warm. You've gotta assume other folks might think to head to D.C. or other metropolitan areas under the presumption that there's some sort of help or infrastructure back in place. And, as we've learned, other folks don't have a great track record: we've had cannibals; dictators; mad bikers; the hospital brigade; and general crazies. Why can't they just go to Key West and re-open the Conch Republic. Lots of fish around, right? 

    Tell me, how did you feel seeing Dawn go? I wasn't a huge fan; I thought a lot of her rationale and way of explaining that rationale were bizzaro, but I thought I glimpsed some decency —beneath all the sanctimonious rambling — in there. I guess hubris won the day though. She just HAD to have Noah back under her thumb. What was all this nonsense about "wards"? She was so concerned about "helping people," and yet could not relinquish one shred of authority. I kinda like the cop who's seemed to take over. Far more rational and still tough (although how about that brawl Dan had with Random Back Cop at the elevator shaft??). I wonder if we'll see them again.




    Dear Luv, 

    I thought the first fight between Dawn and the other cop was awesome. It was like a real fight except I think Dawn would have been pretty beaten up and probably unable to walk after that thrashing. I knew someone was going down the elevator shaft. Just wasn’t sure who that would be. Did we not hear walkers munching after the cop fell down the shaft? I don’t think we’ll be hearing from him again. And Dawn was cray-cray, as my nieces would say. Totally and completely. What a creepy place that hospital turned out to be. I could never tell who was on the side of the sane and who had totally broken from reality. 

    So, it’s a long time until the next episode. Don’t think I’m ready to binge on “Gilmore Girls,” though. Here’s an idea, maybe I’ll read a book. 

    Stick a fork in me I’m done,



    Queen K, 

    Yeah, I truly thought he broke her shoulder, but hey man, she powered through. Until she didn't. Sigh. 

    And we totally heard walkers closing in on the elevator-shaft cop. 

    But yeah, maybe we should lighten up a bit before "Walking Dead" returns in February. I know! I'll get through the rest of my "Game of Thrones" books. Nice and light! (#Sarcasm.) Better idea: I shall start my holiday shortbread baking spree! Do you like yours with chocolate chips? I sure do:) And soon enough it'll be "Downton Abbey" season again. What better way to spend the winter doldrums? 

    Putting the kettle on,


    P.S. Next convo at the water cooler: The hell is Morgan up to? Is he friend or foe?

    On Twitter: @edgecombday and @TheMDesk

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