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    Day - Blogs
    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    ‘Walking Dead’ podcast: Wake us up when Glenn comes back

    It was a snoozer, wasn’t it, this latest episode of “The Walking Dead.” It went over old ground and brought out speeches we’ve all heard before. The good people of Alexandria — who have been living a charmed life in the midst of an apocalypse — now see they’ve been shielded from the real world. It’s us or them. Fight or die. Eat or be eaten, so to speak.

    We’ve dissected the episode in our latest "TV Takeout" podcast (click the Play button below or find it on Soundcloud), from the run on the commissary for more canned goods, to the dark (and we can only imagine stinky) sewer walk to Rick and Jessie’s love scene.

    What say you? Leave a note in the comments or on Twitter: @edgecombday and @TheMDesk.

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