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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Former Republican will vote straight Democrat

    Many candidates, especially Republicans, say they are running because they want to make sure to “run government like a business!” Businesses are run for the profit of investors, not the public interest. Near-term profits tend to come first, so they tend to resist taxes, employee benefits, environmental mitigation, health care, regulatory oversight, and public safety. It is all about survival of the fittest, competition, and personal gain.

    President Trump's tax returns, his personal history, and his public leadership shine a light on how his businesses are run: frequent bankruptcies, hiring illegals, bullying, tax fraud, legal evasion, personal aggrandizement. New Yorkers who knew him are not surprised that his government administration has been on such a roller-coaster ride, with huge profits for the wealthy, and so much misery for the “little guy.”

    The next time a candidate says they want to run government "like a business," vote instead for the one who believes in an efficient and compassionate government that provides more support for health care and education, long-term economic and environmental sustainability, and justice for all.

    This year, my votes will be for Democrats, across the board.

    Dr. David B. Bingham


    Editor's note: Dr. Bingham was a Republican candidate for state Senate in 1996, and an independent candidate for Congress in 1994.

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