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    Saturday, June 08, 2024

    No wonder teachers protect this deal

    In the April 1 edition of The Day, "State Sen. Stillman defends revisions in education reform package," Andrea Stillman defended the watered-down version of Gov. Malloy's education reform plan. Anyone surprised? I'm not. But, I am surprised that Malloy, a Democrat, put forth such a level-headed, conservative leaning plan and, for that, I applaud him!

    He won't succeed, though, because the left puts forth that teachers are somehow sainted. Teachers are above reproach and deserve to earn far more than lowly private sector workers. Deep down, teachers are all basically good - and isn't that what really matters? I mean, don't judge them by results but, rather, by intentions. Come on, people, they want to do well.

    Look, history proves that the more money we throw at schools and teachers the worse the students are doing. Teachers, unlike all other working citizens, are union-protected by an impenetrable shield called tenure. By performing their duties in a mediocre or better fashion their jobs are virtually protected for life after only four years.

    My intentions are good, too, so I deserve a guaranteed-for-life job where job performance standards are arbitrary. I also want benefits better than the private sector's. And, I don't like answering to whomever pays my salary. Where do I sign up?