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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Stop the charade, send Democrats home

    Here we go again. Democrats making attacks based upon Social Security fears, class warfare, hard work and wealth, and the use of media sensationalism. Gov. Malloy and U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty are dragging out the age-old horrors just in time for Halloween and, sadly, Election Day.

    Mark Greenberg was cited by Esty as anti-Social Security and she said if he was elected he would somehow destroy it. I am a senior citizen on Social

    Security and refuse to accept her horror story.

    The Democrats have used Social Security fears as campaign fodder for some 60 years. Our Social Security was supported by folks from both sides of the aisles and presidents from both parties. Greenberg was quoted in a snippet and taken out of context as saying the systems was a failure.

    Gov. Malloy is again using every divisive and fear mongering platform to cloud the campaign and disguise his ineptitude as a leader. Every time we have any emergency he stands on his bully pulpit to try to score political points.

    Vote Republican and send a clear message to the Democratic liberals that we want our state back. Don't be taken in by their tricks; treat ourselves to a fresh approach for our future.