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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    No more torture, Obama just kills

    The recent Senate report on enhanced interrogation revealed another example of government inefficiency. I could have told the Senate that the techniques were unnecessary. When I was young, my sister would often hold my head underwater and I never revealed any secrets to her. As for running a drill near someone's head, my dentist has been doing that for years and I have yet to give him any vital information. I like the present administration's approach.

    There is no need to send in a SEAL team or troops to extract terrorists from foreign countries. As detailed in the New York Times, the executive branch now maintains a hit list (no need for approval by any judge or jury). When we find someone on the list, we now simply send in a drone to take out the bad guy. Among the many targets, we have even "eliminated" four American citizens using this upgraded approach. There is now no need to transport, house, or feed these terrorists. True, there has been some unfortunate collateral damage using the drone technique. Some wives and children have been unlucky enough to be with the target when a drone struck, but you can't efficiently make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

    No more enhanced interrogation. Whoopee.