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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Violent acts followed the dangerous rhetoric

    The mayor of New York City sells his police department down the river. Al Sharpton organizes a peace rally where some participants chant, "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!" Michael Brown's stepfather screams, "Burn this (expletive) down," all in the name of free speech.

    Well, guess what, tragically it all came true. Do these people have any culpability in these actions? The answer is no, but in my opinion they have blood on their hands.

    You want free speech, here goes. Although it is sad when someone's actions lead to their demise, that is exactly what happened to Michael Brown. Maybe he should have listened to his father when he gave him the speech about how to interact with authority. I know my son listened to me when we had "the talk."

    The officer who restrained a career criminal in New York City was doing his job. He did not kill the crook with a choke hold. If you watch the video you will see him release his hold when the perpetrator reaches the ground. Then the criminal starts screaming the catch phrase, "I can't breath." If he died from the hold he wouldn't be saying anything at that point.

    I know neither of these fine men woke up saying I'm going to racially profile someone today and kill them. Sorry, Sharpton.