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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Day's slanted coverage unfair to police officers

    Shocked? Not so much. Repulsed? Definitely. After enduring this newspaper's incessant attempt to glorify a gangster wanna be in Ferguson and a career criminal in New York as the reincarnation of Medgar Evers and Emmitt Till, I have to point out the hypocrisy, as you are clearly too blind to see it. Every story related to the police involved shootings was plastered on the front page, but two cops are assassinated by a black male and they are relegated to page two "2 NYC police officers assassinated." (Dec. 21).

    Despite the media's attempts to introduce racial overtones to both incidents, an objective look into the facts reveals a very simple concept, which revolves around an appropriate application of force. In both cases, the officer's application was spurred on by the resistance presented by the offenders, forcing the officers to act. In short, non-compliance was the catalyst, not racist cops. Not once did I see any effort by this newspaper to present the facts.

    In the future, let's actually use the bully pulpit The Day enjoys not to further personal agendas, but to deliver facts and let readers make informed decisions.