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    Thursday, May 23, 2024

    Letter writer right, full-out war needed

    I agree with the letter, "Wage all-out war on ISIS or don't fight at all," (Feb. 14). The world can't look away now.

    The people of ISIS are thugs, a cult that manages to lure misfits from the world over to do their bidding. They now say they are on to Rome! We turned a blind eye on what Hitler was doing and we see how that ended.

    These people are cowardly, hiding behind masks, killing people in ways that are extremely cruel.

    The world, not just the United States, needs to collectively join forces to eradicate these vermin before they announce they are on to London, Washington, Moscow, etc.

    The more harm they do the more like-minded people they will attract. Right now we are just an annoying bug bite to them with how we are handling things. I agree we and our allies must do it right or come home.

    No one wants to see more of our people die in a war, however, ISIS must be stopped, sooner rather than later, and there rather than here. They are using religion as a screen to spread terror. Hatred and intolerance of other faiths is not what a god by any name would want.