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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Militarized cops are a dangerous trend

    In the story about the shooting of two policemen in Ferguson, "Shooting of police officers angers U.S. AG," (March 13), Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., "denounced the shootings ... as heinous and cowardly attacks." If this proves to be true, then I believe it is also true that the shootings of unarmed black boys and young men also qualify as heinous and cowardly attacks. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if these shootings are an example of a new kind of organized genocide, one bullet at a time.

    Then I turned to page 5 to continue reading the article. My eyes went to the picture of the militarized police outside of 125 Dade Ave. in Ferguson. My first thought was, I hope there were no children in the house. Then, I realized that I had seen this type of scene before, first as a child watching the news reels at the movie theater during WWII, then later on, on the TV news. Those images were the SS troops of Nazi Germany and the KGB of the USSR. That photo of military-clad officers looked like it all over again.

    We have lost both our constitutional republic and our moral compass. The U.S. is adrift. We have become what we profess to hate.