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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Gay marriage a legal, not religious issue


    The injustice of some U. S Supreme Court members is motivated by politics, not law. 

    A few of the Supreme Court’s conservative members are saying that same-sex couples should not be given equal marriage rights because these couples have not enjoyed those rights for most of the past. That is an idiotic, politically motivated statement. 

    Those same right-wing justices of today might have used such intellectually bankrupt thoughts to deny women the right to vote in 1920 or own property in the 19th century or free black people from slavery or be awarded equal rights in 1964. And gay marriage is a matter of civil law, not religious law. 

    The greatest threat to becoming a true democracy has always been absolute control of the executive, legislative, and legal branches of government by an extreme right- or left-wing political party. History has taught us that it inevitably leads to a fascist dictatorship. 

    In the case of America, it has already begun and it’s wrapped in the American flag. Vote intelligently. Dig deep for the facts. Don’t buy "fear and smear" slogans and buzz words in 2016 or it could be the last free election in America.

    Don Church

    Old Lyme