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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    That train's coming for your tax cash

    I can hear the tax train coming just like the famous Johnny Cash song. The Connecticut tax train is coming down the tracks to your home. Our governor says he doesn't want to raise taxes but our state legislators certainly are ready to tax and spend some more. Those rascals want to pretend the state has no long-term debts to pay so they can spend around the limit imposed by law to provide a balanced budget.

    It never ceases to amaze me how our leaders continue to avoid the hard decisions that we need to make this state an affordable place to live. An example would be the insane unsustainable retirement packages. What will the state do in 10 years when more people leave the state for areas of the country they can afford? Just remember these political leaders will remain un-named as Connecticut races to the bottom of every list of best places to live.

    I suspect none of these political leaders will be living here when they retire. Write or call today and tell them to stop spending!

    Bill Patsiga
