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    Monday, June 17, 2024

    Land-swap proposal could be a trick

    Magicians label it misdirection, switching an individual’s focus from A to B. The observer concentrates on B while the magician then successfully manipulates A. 

    As a Green environmentalist, I truly hope that Glenn Russo is sincere in B, a Memorandum of Understanding stating he will honestly work towards swapping the 236 acres he owns in Oswegathchie Hills for another piece of property. Unfortunately, despite signing the MOU, Mr. Russo continues to pursue A, his current plan for the land, 840 living units housed in 24 separate buildings together with 1,767 parking spaces. The area is home to wild life and hiking trails and drains into the Niantic River. 

    As we scurry around looking for “B,” a plot of land whose discovery may prove elusive and fruitless, we cannot lose sight of “A,” Russo’s quest for building approval. He persists in pushing full steam ahead with what may be his true ulterior motive, a gigantic money-making residential development ruining both the Hills and the river or intimidating concerned local citizens and towns through threats and lawsuits into paying him the millions he is demanding for the property. 

    Dont take your eye off the ball! Public hearings are scheduled for Thursday and June 4. 

    Dr. Robert A. Linden

    East Lyme