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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Geese-chasing dogs is poor Preston policy

    Concerning the article, “Preston considering hiring border collies to scare geese from park,” (May 15), regarding the Preston Board of Selectmen wanting to use Border Collies to stare off the geese in the park. This is totally absurd and both cruel to the dogs and geese.

    What on earth makes human beings so self-righteous, that they feel the planet belongs to them? I got news for you, Earth does not belong to you! Leave the geese be in the park. I for one enjoy seeing them, especially their babies. Watching them fly off together in unison, calling out to each other, this teaches children just how amazing these creatures are.

    Chasing geese is stressful to dogs. The geese can also injure the dogs. This is totally barbaric. Leave the geese alone. They are not hurting anyone.

    Diane L. Amburn
