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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Schumer gave deceptive comments on Iran deal

    Senator Chuck Schumer’s statement explaining why he will vote to disapprove the Iran deal is grossly misleading, as it implies that all inspections must be preceded by a 24-day delay:

    “…Inspections are not ‘anywhere, anytime’; the 24-day delay before we can inspect is troubling. …Furthermore, even when we detect radioactivity at a site where Iran is illicitly advancing its bomb-making capability, the 24-day delay would hinder our ability to determine precisely what was being done at that site.” 

    As the U.S. Scientific Negotiator, Dr. Ernest Moniz, wrote last Thursday in the Chicago Tribune, we are not bound by a 24-day delay before launching an inspection:

    “At all of Iran's nuclear facilities, IAEA inspectors will have regular access with short notice. At undeclared locations, inspectors will have access in as few as 24 hours. If Iran tries to stall, this agreement provides a first: a process to provide access within a fixed time, 24 days — well within our window of high confidence to detect the traces of nuclear materials used. This includes military sites suspected of nuclear related activity.” 

    Intentionally misleading the public irreversibly disqualifies Schumer from his ambition to serve as Democratic leader of the Senate.

    Charles Harding
