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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Return Martinez to New London Board of Education

    Mirna Lis Martinez is an inspiration for all who believe in the potential and future of our children. Having served on the New London Board of Education since 2013, she is seeking re-election. As a proud resident of New London and the recently retired director of the Regional Multicultural Magnet School, I have great hopes for the future of the education of our children with the onset of the magnet school approach throughout New London. 

    Magnet schools have a deeper mission than having a common theme and inviting students from surrounding towns to join with New London students in learning through the lens of this theme. The primary vision of our magnet schools is to celebrate and understand the amazing diversity of backgrounds and gifts that each child and family brings to the learning experience. Mirna understands this. In her words, “Students must be validated and supported about who they are and where they come from. If their views are respected, they are made to feel they are worthwhile. This helps them to grow and achieve.” 

    New London needs Mirna Lis Martinez and her commitment to this belief on the New London Board of Education. 

    Paul Carolan

    Director (retired) Regional Multicultural Magnet School New London

    New London