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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Decency beat depraity with Trump victory

    Donald Trump voters are vindicated by mindless mob tantrums of rage and property destruction across the country. Profane chants and obscene signs reveal their true characters. Demonstrators on left-wing college campuses affirm the adage that college sense is not common sense. The disgraceful verbal abuse of Vice President-elect Mike Pence and his family at the Hamilton play was another example. This election was more a choice of decency over depravity than Republican vs. Democrat. What could possibly be more depraved than Democrat enshrinement of abortion and incestuous alliance with Planned Parenthood, barbaric mass killers of unborn children and purveyor of dismembered infant body parts?

    In my threescore years as a voter, President Obama was the nadir and we would have suffered new lows under Hillary Clinton. Obama is directly responsible for the gruesome slaughter of thousands in Iraq, especially Christians, unleashing sadistic Islamic ISIS savages on innocent populations. Pope Francis rightly called it genocide. Obama disgracefully threw away the hard-won victory that American forces fought, suffered and died to achieve.

    Trump has been magnanimous in election triumph, even meeting with two-time loser and vindictive adversary Mitt Romney. God’s infinite love and mercy has given us a second chance that all Americans should gratefully embrace. 

    John C. Goodrich
