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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Repeal equals pain for many needy Americans

    Day 1 of Trump Administration: Would you like 1 million pink slips with that? "Repeal and Replace" doesn’t sync up as nicely as rinse and repeat. Nevertheless, our newly unified government has promised the people a seamless cleansing in transition from Obamacare to Trumpcare.

    The first big problem with repeal is, 20 million U.S. citizens lose health care and approximately 1 million health-care workers will no longer be needed and will see their jobs eliminated on day one. Secondly, without the mandatory requirement of Obamacare the pre-existing condition exemption will not work (insurance companies will simply not write insurance policies for them). Thirdly, the seniors will see the return of the dreaded Medicare Part D “Donut-Hole”.

    Thanks, Donald.

    Kevin Tewksbury
