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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Still trying to get those Trump tax returns

    As citizens and voters of the United States, we must all be concerned of the happenings of Jan. 20. Are we prepare to install as president a man about which we know very little (except that he lies). Without access to his tax filings, we do not know if we are inaugurating someone who has criminal ties, is money laundering, has the resources that he claims, or even if his deductions are legal.

    Why are we accepting his word? There seems to be great conflict of interest. As the citizens, who he will work for, we must demand that he answers those and other questions before he is sworn in. We must not, in his words, "believe me."

    He interprets the law as he sees fit. We must not accept that. He must be fully vetted and his tax returns released before inauguration. His constitutional qualifications must be verified.

    Robert Lyons
