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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Criticism of Somers way out of line

    I’m writing in response to Charles Stevens’ letter, “Unhappy with Somers’ support of Fairview bill,” (April 20), regarding state Sen. Heather Somers' support of Fairview in Groton. Stevens makes several incorrect statements concerning the granting of a tax exemption to Fairview, Odd Fellows Home of Connecticut. Fairview was established in 1893 to serve the Groton community. I personally have had family members receive exceptional care at Fairview for which I will be forever grateful. Their staff is truly dedicated.

    Somers is doing her job and representing the best interests of this community by asking to change an agreement negotiated by her predecessor. Fairview has been granted a tax exception since its inception with unqualified support from Democrats and Republicans. I’m told that Fairview pays almost $800,000 in provider taxes to the State of Connecticut while providing good paying careers/jobs to 250 people, many of whom are Groton tax-paying residents.

    Stevens seems to vilify an organization, which goes back to the 19th Century, as somehow trying to hurt its town. Somers should get credit for trying to save hundreds of jobs.

    John Hewes
