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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Trump's voter connection is the real story

    The editorial, “Why Russia is a hostile power,” (July 14), fails to mention that Russia did its dirty work in Ukraine during President Obama and Hillary Clinton's reign. They failed to do anything meaningful to stop Putin. Assad and ISIS prospered during the same time. Empty threats helped them, too.

    Putin's antipathy toward Hillary is actually more apathy. She, like her old boss, is an empty threat. Does The Day want Trump to do something Obama would not do? That is, send troops against Putin? I hope not. No one has ever won a land war in Russia.

    Former President Obama could have supported the Ukrainians against a Russian advance into Ukraine but he did not. Moreover, is the writer forgetting that Hillary was like a dictator when she basically stole the election from Bernie Sanders? How is she not like Putin?

    By her own actions, Clinton hurt her campaign more than any Russian hacker helped Trump. Bernie's people did not vote for her. Meanwhile millions of small state GOP voters suddenly felt they had a voice. And that is what wins elections. Obama proved it and Trump proved it again. If people feel represented they will vote.

    Don Jr.’s Russian info is a none issue.

    Bill Muscella
