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    Monday, June 17, 2024

    Don't forget Nott's many good contributions

    I read the article, “New London police suspend Nott for 2016 use of force,” (Dec. 14), and had to write. First, if an officer violates the rules of conduct he or she should be disciplined. It looks like that is occurring. I just worry that her lapse in judgment will cost the New London Police Department, and more importantly the citizens of New London, a unique and special officer.

    I have worked with all kinds of officers. Some are solid cops but need help with public relations. Others are loved by the community but not suited for the "heavy lifting" of police work. Deana Nott is that special combination of street-smart beat cop and dedicated champion of our most vulnerable. Special is the officer who strives to make bad, sometimes horrible, situations better. If she has the ability to help she does. This is often done on her own time at her own expense. The people she helps don't come from great situations. They aren't the wealthy or powerful. They are usually the opposite of that. They aren't likely to let you know what Officer Nott has done for them. They are grateful none the less. So am I.

    Ken Edwards

    New London

    Editor’s note: Mr. Edwards is a retired New London police captain.