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    Monday, June 03, 2024

    Worcester shows why not to use Pay As You Throw

    Article in The Day reads: “Worcester plans to shame people who dump trash illegally” (July 4). "Fed up with illegal dumping, Worcester officials say they'll soon publish names of confirmed offenders to get them to change their ways.

    "The Telegram & Gazette reports that city officials have spent several years going over surveillance footage and cutting open garbage bags in search of culprits at various dumping 'hot spots.'" 

    Worcester is the “model city” that our city “leaders” continue to use as an example for New London’s proposed pay per bag trash program. 

    This article is a perfect example of why we should not adopt such a plan. Town officials “cutting open garbage bags” to identify violators? Really? This is a successful program? 

    The article goes on to say that “out of town violators” are suspected. To which I say “oh, right, surely this couldn’t be a failure of their pay per bag system.” 

    Get ready, New London. If this pay per bag program passes, our city will be looking like Worcester. Shameful.

    Bill O’Donnell

    New London