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    Tuesday, June 04, 2024

    Don't use Norwich DPU cash to settle personal matters

    The recent article, “State FOI Commission rules NPU General Manager John Bilda’s notes are public,” (July 12), was of special interest. Not particularly about the release of the notes, but more importantly concerning the release of a payment of $35,000  from the utility funds to settle an employee complaint regarding a sexual harassment problem. This appears to be more of a police and a court evaluation study rather than a utility management settlement case, which provided a rather large money donation coming from utility funds to minimize employee dissatisfactions.

    Available excessive utility funds should more appropriately be somehow returned to utility homeowners. Obviously management should not be trying to solve matters that are best understood in situations involved in law violations, and especially in using utility fund money to resolve employee personal misfortunes. 

    Donald E. Leone Sr.
