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    Monday, June 17, 2024

    Rise up against Trump in November election

    It's time all Americans looked into a mirror and reflected on the direction our country is going under this Trump administration. Our president’s leadership style is dictatorial with no thought on how his actions or comments affect our country or the world. He is a divisive leader who uses our citizens’ fears and prejudices as a method to control people by creating chaos.

    President Trump doesn't care about human rights, immigrants, the truth or the consequences of his actions. He undermines our democracy by belittling our justice system and our allies, then has the audacity to stand with and admire dictators of the brutal regimes in North Korea and Russia.

    The image in my mirror is disturbing, disheartening and doesn't reflect the type of country we truly are. It's time for our citizens to stand up and in November vote against any candidate that supports this administration’s policies. The time is now!

    Scott Sanford
