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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Why the heck is Day supporting tolls?

    The July 22nd editorial, "Tolling only viable choice to pay for Connecticut’s transportation needs," brought to mind the many scams practiced upon good, honest, hard-working people. As other states thrive, evolve and become more "user-friendly" by the day, Connecticut is driving taxpayers and businesses away in droves. Why is The Day endorsing yet another tax on the burdened residents of this already-overpriced state? Haven’t we already shoveled enough cash at money-junkie politicians?

    What of past taxes and their ostensible “beneficiaries?” The “lockbox” referred to has no bottom. The average overall cost-per-mile for highways in Connecticut is among the highest in the country.

    And what's with The Day's assertion that "millions of trucks...contribute nothing?" That is a half-truth. The International Registration Plan & International Fuel Tax Agreement provides levies for each state based on interstate truckers' operating locations. Any legislators pushing for tolls should be fired so fast they'll think they are in a time warp.

    Eric R. Straub

    East Lyme