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    Sunday, June 16, 2024

    Sign up to give vaccine experience feedback

    Each of us who has been, or plans to be vaccinated, has an opportunity to keep the CDC informed about our experience with the vaccine we receive. How can we do that? Very simply by signing up with a cell phone at vsafe.cdc.gov, the V-safe after vaccination health checker, or using the QR code available on the information sheet you should receive at every vaccination site. It takes minutes to register and literally seconds to answer the texts you will receive for the first week then intermittently for a year. Why should we do this? Your information will keep the CDC up to date about vaccine side effects and effectiveness. This information from you and thousands of other vaccinated individuals will help them determine any "tweaks" that might be needed to maintain vaccine efficacy, especially in light of the variants that continue to emerge.

    Think of the thousands of people who volunteered to be part of the original studies to determine vaccine safety and efficacy so we can be safely vaccinated today. Our part is easy, keep sharing our valuable information with the CDC.

    Juanita Durham, APRN


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