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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    ‘Love your neighbor’ and fly the flag

    Regarding the letter entitled, "Fly the Christian flag in classrooms," (Oct. 30), in which the author objects to flying the rainbow flag of inclusion and suggests flying a Christian flag instead: People do not choose their sexual orientation - they are born with it. Sexual orientation is not a choice. Excluding or marginalizing people for traits that are an inherent part of their makeup is both unChristian and unAmerican.

    On the other hand, I know of no Christian theology that insists that Christians are born that way - if Christians were born, baptism and confirmation would not be necessary, nor would behaving like a Christian. Becoming a Christian is a choice. And once that choice is made, the next choice Christians are called to make is to love your neighbor. One good way to do that is to let people know they are included in the community no matter what their inherent traits are. We are all human.

    The idea that including LGBTQ people somehow excludes Christians is in direct conflict with the teachings of Jesus. Love your neighbor - and not just when it is easy because your neighbor is just like you. That is the work.

    Craig Edwards


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