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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    The tragic case of Ashley Babbitt

    "It's not what you are telling me but what you aren't telling me." It is frustrating to viewers reading the untruths but then you further the lie by making up stories. You squash readers inquisitiveness, readers intuition-gone! Over time more news unfolds than we forget.

    Something I cannot forget is Ashley Babbitt as I understand was murdered by a capital guard under investigation as a "trigger happy' cop. Ashley was not armed. No news about her but of Biden who honored the capital police. Ashley's murderer and the police who opened wide the doors the capital.

    Free democracy? Not if you are conservative. Ask the "brown shirts aka FBI." It is a travesty but tragic is Ashley's mother has been protesting for months outside the capital and on Jan. 6, anniversary of her daughter's death, was arrested, handcuffed, and jailed for ... jaywalking.

    Margaret Tebbets


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