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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Let’s enforce existing gun laws

    Governor Lamont’s proposed gun legislation to ban open carry handguns will do nothing to reduce gun violence, “Lamont’s gun proposal falls flat for some, praised by others,” (Jan. 24). To the best of my knowledge the last bad guy to open carry was Billy The Kid. Today’s bad guys are not walking around with a six gun strapped to their hip. In fact, if more licensed gun owners were to open carry fewer bad guys would be likely to attempt stealing from them. Let us enact stand your ground legislation along with open carry. That should reduce crime.

    The governor would be better requiring our court system to enforce existing gun laws. The governor should propose legislation requiring anyone convicted of a crime involving a firearm be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of five years in prison with no early release. Far too often the police arrest someone using a gun in the commission of a crime or carrying a firearm without a permit and the courts do not prosecute that individual. This is why gun violence is on the rise. Let us not worry about someone openly carrying a firearm, 99% of the time they are a licensed gun owner. Even criminals are smart enough not to draw police attention to themselves prior to committing a crime.

    Scott Harrington


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