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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Trump a flight risk, bet on it

    A frequent topic of conversation these days concerns whether or not Trump will be incarcerated if convicted of any of the multiple charges for which he has been arrested. There are those who say he will be exonerated and found not guilty, while another group says he will buy his way out using tactics that saved him in the past. I suggest that a third, very real scenario exists, and I would be willing to wager it actually takes place.

    His passport may have been impounded, but it remains that Trump personally owns an aircraft fully capable of overseas travel. Before any authorities could take action, Trump, along with his purloined classified documents, could be on his way to Russia, where he can schmooze with his friend Vlad at the Trump Moscow Hotel. An alternate destination could be Saudi Arabia to play golf with MDF and live in the Idi Amin Suite at the Riyadh Hilton.

    Trump's legal strategies are growing weaker and less viable every day. His financial empire has been decimated. There are real limits to how much money can be made from selling T-shirts and coffee mugs, regardless of whose image is on them!

    John Nason


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