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    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    No love lost on AOC

    Regarding the recent Froma Harrop column, “Can AOC win back our love?” (The Day Sept. 11) - not my love. Not a word was said about her hatred of Jews and of Israel. In her various public statements and in her Congressional votes, she never misses an opportunity to attack Israel, the only Jewish State and true democracy in the Middle East.

    In 1948, the Jews in Palestine used the United Nations Partition Plan to create Israel. The Arabs at the time rejected the plan and invaded Israel to remove the Jewish presence from the Middle East. Jordan eventually illegally took over the old city area of Jerusalem, and the now disputed territories of Judea and Samaria.

    Has Ocasio-Cortez ever questioned why, from 1948 to 1967, a Palestinian state was never created? Has she ever voted to withhold American aid to the PA, money that is used to reward murderers and the families of terrorists who die while trying to kill Israelis?

    I hope that she resigns from Congress. Barring that, I hope that she does not run for reelection and that if she does, that she loses.

    Stuart Miller


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