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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Re-elect Bernblum for Old Lyme Board Of Finance

    I am running for re-election to the Old Lyme Board of Finance (BOF), where I have served since 2014. I also urge you to vote for the other Democratic Town Committee candidates: Anna Reiter as a regular member and Sheila Riffle, Diane Linderman and Candace Fuchs as alternates. You can find information about each of us at oldlymedtc.com.

    We appreciate the importance of the BOF to the town and the serious responsibility that service on the board entails. You trust us to make decisions thoughtfully and prudently. Electing this slate would correct the 4 to 2 party imbalance currently on the BOF and position us to improve the budget-making process.

    We need to adopt an orderly and effective methodology for developing the annual budget, which starts with the Board of Selectmen and then moves to the BOF for review, refinement and adoption. The work should include careful examination of the financial requirements of each program and department, and determination of the amount of surplus needed by the town. Surplus in excess of that amount may be used to offset approved project expenses and/or reduce upcoming tax needs.

    Please vote for us on Nov. 7.

    Bennett Bernblum

    Old Lyme

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