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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Waterford schools needs more SRO

    I am writing to express my strong support for increasing the number of School Resource Officers (SRO) in the Waterford elementary schools. As a recent graduate of Waterford High School, I experienced firsthand the positive impact SRO officers have on our school communities. It's disheartening to hear opposition to increasing SRO officers. The officers at my school were approachable, engaging and fostered a sense of security. They were not just guardians; they were mentors and positive influences on our youth. SRO officers are highly trained professionals with specialized skills. Their ability to connect with students contributes significantly to school safety. Introducing SRO officers in elementary schools is proactive, enhancing safety and trust in law enforcement from an early age. Let's prioritize our students' safety. Supporting an increase in SRO officers, including in elementary schools, is crucial. Stand with me in supporting these professionals shaping a secure learning environment for our children.

    Matthew Keatley


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