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    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

    Salem forgotten by The Day

    Has the town of Salem fallen off of the map? Do we no longer exist? Today’s paper, along with one a few days ago, does not list a polling place for elections. There is also no summary about the race in Salem, even though all of the surrounding towns have one. The office of First Selectman does have a challenger, but have the issues of the two people seeking this office been published? No! Is there even a reporter covering Salem? Was a reporter at town hall last night when the results were broadcast? I’ve been told the reporter that covers Salem lives in town. I’m truly disgusted that what happens in Salem is of no concern anymore. We are a lovely, proud community, but for some reason The Day has chosen to ignore us.

    Mary Cikatz


    Editor’s Note: The Day does not have a Salem reporter and hasn’t had one for years. We wish we could hire one, but a lack of subscribers and the newsroom’s limited resources do not make coverage of Salem possible at the moment.

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