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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Not a rosy picture for Mount Decatur

    Tony Sheridan’s PR piece for Cashman painted a rosy picture of the fortune that will come from their exploitation of Gales Ferry. If their only proposal was the development of the pier and beneficial reuse of the nearly 100 acres available at the site, his strong endorsement might be appropriate. However, he failed to mention that the current application before the Planning and Zoning Commission is to destroy nearly half of historic Mount Decatur. Their plan is to blast and process millions of tons of rock from the north side of Mt. Decatur over the course of the next 5 to 10 years. This will make life in Ledyard horrible. Daily explosions shaking the ground, noise from the rock crushers, the potential release of radon into wells, buildings and homes, and dust that can cause serious respiratory damage.

    Within a mile of the site are public schools, childcare centers, and churches serving over 1,000 children. Would you want to live with that? Or send your children to school in that? No, Mr. Sheridan, there are many other uses for that site that would benefit the local economy without inflicting the long-term damage of this proposed quarry. P&Z must disapprove this application!

    Sam Roudebush

    Gales Ferry

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