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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    A better solution than wind turbines

    The Day headline, Jan. 4, 2024, “Offshore wind goes on the grid,” highlights the start-up of offshore wind power. What a disaster! One turbine delivered “about 5 megawatts” to the grid the other night. And this is supposed to be a solution to the country’s power needs? Millstone power plant, without weather constraints, generates 2,100 megawatts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in any kind of weather. The equivalent would require 420 wind turbines a day at maximum output!

    Who will do the full clean-up of all these, including the network of cabling, at the end of useful life, or will it all be abandoned in place? Consider ship collisions. What sane fisherman would be willing to subject his boat, crew, nets and livelihood to fish in these congested areas? Is wind power solely being driven by lucrative government incentives? Stop this madness! Tap into American ingenuity by harnessing tides or the flow of water into and out of both ends of Long Island Sound. Consider installing nuclear power offshore, undersea, in deep water. Think! This is America, we can do better than thousands of wind turbines!

    Charles Wenderoth

    West Mystic

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