Chorus of nonsense
In The Day guest editorial (Jan. 12), “We can choose hope over fear,” retired judge Steven Spellman joins the chorus in denouncing Trump with the standard charge that Trump is a threat to our democracy. But let’s look for a second at what Biden and the Democrats have done. They try to prosecute their political opponents every chance they get. They have illegally attempted to remove their political opponent from the ballot. They have worked with and paid the big tech companies to censor the news they don’t want Americans to hear. They protect their political cronies from prosecution, especially the Biden crime family’s corruption, influence peddling, drug use, gun crimes and tax evasion. In other words, they have used the same tactics that communist leaders have employed for over 100 years.
Lenin would be proud of today’s Democratic party, but the Republicans are the ones “threatening our democracy.” What a joke the Democrats have become along with the liberal mainstream media outlets that parrot their nonsense.
Joe Corso
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