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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    All-out attack on democracy by Republican Party

    Never in the history of the USA has our democracy been under attack by any political party like it is at present by the Republican Party. Voters should answer two questions: 1. Under which form of government do you want your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as your friends and other relatives to live: a dictatorship where the masses (including all of the lower- and middle-class people) get robbed and the financial gains go to only the few elite people at the top? This is what the Republicans are advocating. Or a democracy that the Democrats want to maintain where the masses share in the economic gains of our country and like our forefathers envisioned more than 200 years ago. Furthermore, Democrats are in favor of maintaining a judicial system where everyone must abide by the same laws and prevents any president from becoming a dictator. Also, voters who claim to be Christian must answer the following question: If Jesus Christ were a resident of the USA, which form of government would He support? As a life-long Christian it is clear to me that based on Jesus Christ’s teaching and actions as described in the Bible, He would never have supported a dictatorship. When the questions above are answered honestly, our democracy will survive for another 200 years.

    Paul Snyder

    North Haven

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