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    Friday, July 26, 2024

    Windmills are primitive technology

    The Day’s Feb. 1 article announces, “State launches effort to stay at the forefront of wind industry”, with Governor Lamont glowing about the “opportunity to add hundreds of new good-paying jobs ... with clean, reliable, and affordable (wind) power.” Did he ever pass Economics 101?

    Initial construction cost aside, what about the cost of security, maintenance and removal at the end of useful life, or do you just knock these windmills over and turn the ocean into a dump? What about shipping accidents or trashing the fishing grounds? What about security, or sabotage by a subversive easily slicing through the network of cables by dragging a sharp cutting device? You want free power? Fund some smart people to capture the rise and fall of the tide, which in central Long Island Sound rises and falls about 8 feet, 24/7/365, almost twice a day! What about turbines in Hellgate, the Race, Plum Gut and Watch Hill Passage?

    This is America, we can do better! Windmills are primitive technology! We need an astute, competent governor. I am thinking, a technically educated, smart woman who understands what it means to care, knows how to fund projects and gets things done!

    Charles Wenderoth

    West Mystic

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